Family Portraits downtown Fredericksburg, VA

I’m so happy this wonderful family took the opportunity to squeeze in some family portraits while their son was home from the Air Force. Mom knew she had a very small window of opportunity, and made it a priority. We got so lucky with a very mild day in December. As you can see, mom is outnumbered, so I made sure we goofed around and made it fun. After this lovely family viewed their gallery, I was blessed to receive the best compliment a photographer could ask for. Mom said she loved every single one of them, and they brought her to tears. These moments are truly the highlights of my job.

One comment I hear a lot when people inquire about family portraits, is how long they have been putting it off, or how long it has been since their last family portrait. It’s easy to do…time just flies by, and the next thing you know, it’s been five plus years. This is one area where I practice what I preach, so every year I torture my family around Christmas! I completely understand how much work this is for parents, particularly moms! The task of coordinating schedules, outfits, and hoping it doesn’t conflict with hubby’s favorite team’s football game! For as much complaining and push back that I receive, my family is always happy we took the time to do our family portraits. Another comment I often hear from women is that they are waiting for ____..fill in the blank (summer, haircut, lose a few pounds, etc.) My response to these kinds of comments is that in 10+ years we are going to look at our portraits and think “daaaang, I looked goooood”! Don’t wait, you’ll never regret getting portraits taken! Thanks for taking the time to visit my website and reading this post. Please feel free to browse my galleries, and check out my social media pages.Goofing




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February 8, 2017


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