Winter portraits are cool ;)

Spring and Fall are definitely the most popular times for outdoor senior portraits here in the northern Virginia, but don’t rule out a Winter session. One of the big benefits of a winter session is a totally different look than most of the outdoor sessions. While we all love fall foliage, no leaves…no problem! I love how Maggie’s wardrobe choice blends in so nicely with these gray trees/branches! I mean gray is a super popular color afterall!

And really….does Maggie look like she’s having a miserable time? NOPE! I actually LOVE these trees, they remind me a bit of one of my favorite trees, the white birch. Growing up in New Hampshire, we had so many white birch trees. This background actually wasn’t planned, although Maggie did send me pictures of her outfit choices so I could get a sense of my background choices. I knew this location would be good with the dried wheat photos below, but the gray trees were a bonus. Maggie would admit that these trees did not look like a potential backdrop, but that’s my job as a photographic artist. We creatives find beauty in some unlikely locations!

Show off!

Denim is such a great wardrobe choice (and another benefit of a winter session). I love the texture of denim jackets, and layering is nice for a dimensional look. Check this field out, it was such a perfect complement to her wardrobe. I love how the texture and color of the jacket collar goes so well with the dried flowers. So if you missed fall photos and you want a unique look and experience, consider a winter session…but do it soon because Spring is coming soon! As always, thank you for visiting my website and blog!

March 2, 2020


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